Monday 27 March 2017

Yoga mat fixes when you don’t have a mat

It can happen that we forget to pack a yoga mat when were traveling. There are also infrequent times when the current mat can’t be used. This doesn’t mean that we have to stop the work out. In the absence of a yoga mat, carpets can be used for the yoga work out.

The first yoga carpets where introduced by Angela Farmer. These carpets were made from European carpet underlay. The carpet served a functional purpose but they had to go through some improvements. Sticky mats became the modern mat for yoga practice.

A yoga workout can be done on carpet that is relatively the size of a yoga mat. Larger spaces are suggested for ease of movement. Make sure that the carpet area is secured in place so that it doesn’t slip and slide easily. Carpets with slip preventing under pad is recommended. If the carpet is secured with furniture help keep the area secure for your workout.

Synthetic carpet is ideal for a yoga workout. The material is resistant to mechanical stress and won’t damage easily. Other carpet material is also fine to use since yoga isn’t a vigorous exercise. Just make sure that the carpet is of medium thickness.

It’s important to steam clean your carpet once a year. This allows you to enjoy a yoga workout in quality and comfort with a clean carpet. Toronto steam cleaners can assist you with all your carpet cleaning needs. Toronto carpet cleaning is the only way to give your carpet a deep clean.

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