Wednesday 8 March 2017

Presidential carpets overtime

The oval office in the white house is an iconic room that features an exquisite carpet. The carpet has had design changes overtime for incoming presidents. During the Bush administration, the carpet was redesigned by Laura Bush, with an iconic sunburst design. There have been interesting designs for the oval office carpet overtime.

Oval office carpet usually features the iconic United States symbol of a bald eagle holding an olive branch. This symbol is surrounded by different colour and design choices. The oval office carpet is made of rich silk material fitting which is quite fitting for the leader of the country.

Silk carpets needs special cleaning, due to the delicate quality of the material. The oval office in particular needs a carpet cleaning method that is able to accommodate the unique shape of the room. Steam cleaning is able to clean carpets fast and effectively.

The steam cleaning method uses pressurized hot water for carpet cleaning. The water temperature can be adjusted to fit the needs of delicate carpet materials such as silk. Steam cleaning essentially used two stages in its cleaning process.

In the first stage, pressurized hot water is sprayed onto the carpet along with cleaning solution. This lifts and removes dirt trapped at the base of carpet material. The next stage is vacuuming up the cleaning water. This step is essential for the carpet to dry fats and efficiently.

There are several Toronto carpet cleaning services. Steam cleaning has other benefits other than effective carpet cleaning. This service is eco-friendly and the use of hot water can help disinfect carpet material. Steam cleaning also noticeably freshen and improve air quality.

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