Wednesday 22 March 2017

Signs that your carpet needs steam cleaning

Dirt can accumulate in your carpet over time. Since this happens gradually we may not notice the subtle changes such as the carpet changing colour. There may also be obvious and less noticeable stains on the carpet. If your not sure if your carpet needs cleaning there are several signs to consider. Start inspecting your carpet in good lighting conditions.


Carpet stains happen from drink accidents and other liquid based spills. Scan your carpet section by section and look for obvious carpet stains. There are also stains that blend in with the carpet and you can only find upon close inspection.

Shading & Dust

As previously mentioned your carpet can acquire shading and discolouration. This is most likely to occur in high traffic sections of the rug. Move furniture and inspect the areas underneath to see if there is a significant difference of colour. Tap the surface of the carpet to see if any dust becomes airborne.

Odours & film

Crouch near the surface of the carpet and see if there is an obvious smell. Use a white paper towel to brush the surface of the carpet. If the papertowel diry, greasy or filmy your carpet needs steam cleaning.

If you have most of these factors your carpet requires steam cleaning. Additionally, if you can’t remember the last time yoru carpet has been steam cleaned it is probably time for annual steam cleaning. There are Toronto carpet cleaning services available to assist you with all your carpet cleaning needs. Toronto steam cleaned will thoroughly clean your carpets.

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