Monday 27 March 2017

Yoga mat fixes when you don’t have a mat

It can happen that we forget to pack a yoga mat when were traveling. There are also infrequent times when the current mat can’t be used. This doesn’t mean that we have to stop the work out. In the absence of a yoga mat, carpets can be used for the yoga work out.

The first yoga carpets where introduced by Angela Farmer. These carpets were made from European carpet underlay. The carpet served a functional purpose but they had to go through some improvements. Sticky mats became the modern mat for yoga practice.

A yoga workout can be done on carpet that is relatively the size of a yoga mat. Larger spaces are suggested for ease of movement. Make sure that the carpet area is secured in place so that it doesn’t slip and slide easily. Carpets with slip preventing under pad is recommended. If the carpet is secured with furniture help keep the area secure for your workout.

Synthetic carpet is ideal for a yoga workout. The material is resistant to mechanical stress and won’t damage easily. Other carpet material is also fine to use since yoga isn’t a vigorous exercise. Just make sure that the carpet is of medium thickness.

It’s important to steam clean your carpet once a year. This allows you to enjoy a yoga workout in quality and comfort with a clean carpet. Toronto steam cleaners can assist you with all your carpet cleaning needs. Toronto carpet cleaning is the only way to give your carpet a deep clean.

Sunday 26 March 2017

Pet fur removal from carpet fibers

Your pets shed fur continuously. In the summer months the amount of fur increases. The pet fur then becomes embedded and tangled in carpets and furniture as well as other items. To prevents allergies and other irritations it’s important to know how to properly remove the fur. There are several key steps for fur removal.

The simplest way to remove fur from carpets is to have a regular vacuuming schedule. Vacuuming with a brushroll setting is preferred because it can extract the fur that is tangled in the carpet fibers. Regular vacuuming can only really extract dust and dirt from the carpet.

For even through pet fur removal from your carpet steam cleaning is available. The carpet cleaning process involves pressurized hot water extraction. In the first step pressurize hot water and cleaning solution is sprayed onto your carpet. This step lifts fur, dirt and other materials from the base of your carpet.

In the next step, a powerful vacuum hose is used to extract the water from the carpet. This removes the fur and dirt particles and leaves your carpet with minimal moisture. This step is especially important to allow your carpets to dry fast and efficiently. It also extracts all the foreign dirt materials that have been trapped in your carpet.

Toronto carpet steam cleaning is available to assist you with all your carpet cleaning needs. The steam cleaning process can also be applied to upholstered furniture and mattresses. Toronto steam cleaning experts get your cleaning jobs done right. See the difference and get Toronto steam cleaning today.

Saturday 25 March 2017

Rental value -The science of cleanliness

If you are trying to rent or sublet a apartment or business space,  clean interiors make the best impression. Steam cleaning is the only effective method for carpet cleaning. Steam cleaning can be applied to a variety of furniture and kitchen appliances. It also provides additional benefits as well.

Essentially steam cleaning uses pressurized hot water extraction to clean carpets and other materials. Professional steam cleaning equipment differs considerable from store bought machines on a few levels.

Firstly, professional machines achieve boiling water temperature for steam cleaning. This equipment can also attain higher water pressure to clean materials. Store bought steam cleaning machines don’t have these features and can’t clean as effectively.

Before showing a rental space it’s important to have carpet cleaning done. Aside from deep thorough cleaning, the steam cleaning process noticeably freshens the air in the room. Potential allergy particles and dust have been removed the steam cleaning process.

Steam cleaning can be applied to upholstered furniture. This includes couches, armchairs, mattresses and even cushions. Rooms that  we spend the most time need to be comfortable so it’s makes sense to get the best cleaning possible.

Many furniture items can only be properly cleaned with steam cleaning. Other cleaning methods only clean surface areas. As an additional benefit, steam cleaning removes the layer of dirt masking the colours of carpets and furniture.

After steam cleaning your carpets and furniture will be noticeably brightened. The surface dirt layer has been removed. Toronto steam cleaning will get your rental units clean in presentable for new tenants.

Friday 24 March 2017

Spring into steam cleaning

With spring coming up it’s great to get your seasonal cleaning done with steam cleaning. There are many applications in your home for steam cleaning jobs. Certain home furniture items can only be properly cleaned with the steam cleaning method as well.

Steam cleaning uses pressurized hot water to clean different items. Essentially, pressurized hot water and cleaning solution is sprayed onto upholstered furniture or carpet. This lifts and removes dirt trapped at the base of the material that is unreachable with regular cleaning methods.

A second hose is used to remove the cleaning water. This step leaves minimal moisture left in the item and allows it to dry fast and efficiently. Carpets that have been steam cleaned have their pile set in its original direction. This allows the material breather and dry faster.

Steam cleaning can be applied to other household items as well. This includes drapery, some stuffed animal toys, upholstered furniture, bathroom tiles, mattresses, kitchen tiles, rugs and much more. Steam cleaning will thoroughly give household items a deep clean.

Toronto carpet cleaning is a great professional cleaning service for homes. It’s especially useful to use steam cleaning before moving into a new apartment or house. Toronto steam cleaning is also great when trying to sell a home. Interested buyers will be more feel more welcome and attracted to a home with a clean environment.

Office building also benefit from clean carpets and furniture. Steam cleaning will bring comfort to office employees as well as visiting clients. Steam cleaning makes all the difference to the setting. Get steam cleaning today and see the difference.

Things you should know about new carpet

When you get new carpet installed it’s important that you have it cleaned. When the carpet is being made it is often treated with chemicals to prevent any pests. It also has preserves to prevent damages when it is being stored. Many people don’t realize this and end up installing new carpet when the old ones get dirty.

In addition, carpets stored in warehouse and even those displayed at the store, come in contact with dust and dirt. Dust particles and other allergens are always in the air and they can end up settling in the new carpet. If the carpet has come in contact with other people there are potential viruses and bacteria that may have settled as well.

These factors make it all the more important to get your carpet stream cleaned after it is installed. Toronto steam cleaners have advanced cleaning technology to give your carpet a deep clean. There are two main steams to carpet steam cleaning.

Firstly, the carpet cleaning machinery sprays pressurized hot water and cleaning solution onto the carpet. This step lifts and removes dirt that is trapped at the base of the carpet. The cleaning water is then vacuumed up out of the carpet with a vacuum hose.

This last step is important because it keeps your carpet from getting over soaked. It prevents the carpet dye from possible bleeding and it leaves minimal moisture in the carpet. Toronto carpet steam cleaners are professionals who can answer all your carpet cleaning questions. Get steam cleaning today and see the difference for yourself.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Signs that your carpet needs steam cleaning

Dirt can accumulate in your carpet over time. Since this happens gradually we may not notice the subtle changes such as the carpet changing colour. There may also be obvious and less noticeable stains on the carpet. If your not sure if your carpet needs cleaning there are several signs to consider. Start inspecting your carpet in good lighting conditions.


Carpet stains happen from drink accidents and other liquid based spills. Scan your carpet section by section and look for obvious carpet stains. There are also stains that blend in with the carpet and you can only find upon close inspection.

Shading & Dust

As previously mentioned your carpet can acquire shading and discolouration. This is most likely to occur in high traffic sections of the rug. Move furniture and inspect the areas underneath to see if there is a significant difference of colour. Tap the surface of the carpet to see if any dust becomes airborne.

Odours & film

Crouch near the surface of the carpet and see if there is an obvious smell. Use a white paper towel to brush the surface of the carpet. If the papertowel diry, greasy or filmy your carpet needs steam cleaning.

If you have most of these factors your carpet requires steam cleaning. Additionally, if you can’t remember the last time yoru carpet has been steam cleaned it is probably time for annual steam cleaning. There are Toronto carpet cleaning services available to assist you with all your carpet cleaning needs. Toronto steam cleaned will thoroughly clean your carpets.

Steam cleaning for your children’s rooms

For young children it’s important to clean their bedroom or nursery with care. Steam cleaning will give materials a thorough deep clean that isn’t possible with regular cleaning methods. Steam cleaning can be applied to a variety of furniture, carpet, drapery and bedroom items. This cleaning method can help prevent allergies and offers eco-friendly cleaning packages.

Steam carpet cleaning has two straight forward cleaning stages. First, pressurized hot water and cleaning solution is sprayed onto the material. The high temperature and pressure lifts and removes pests and dirt trapped deep with the material. The second stage involves removing the cleaning water with a vacuum. This allows the material to dry fast and efficiently.

Carpets are commonly steam cleaned to remove dirt and dust mites. Most people aren’t aware of the variety of bedroom items that can be cleaned with steam cleaning. This innovative technology can be used to clean rugs, mattresses, upholstered furniture and drapery.

Even oversized stuffed animals and plush toys can be cleaned with steam cleaning. This comes in handy because dust and possible allergens can settle on stuffed animals overtime. Smaller plush toys can be washed in the washing machine but larger stuffed animals require extra care. This could include a trip to the laundry mat and an attempt to dry the toy afterwards.

Toronto steam cleaning can help you with all the cleaning needs of your kid’s bedroom. As a result, steam cleaning will noticeably freshen the air in the room. Steam cleaning will also prevent allergy symptoms. Get your annual steam cleaning today.

Monday 20 March 2017

Steam cleaning for coffee shops

On a daily basis, coffee shops and cafes get a high amount of traffic. Even with dialing cleaning routines dirt can accumulate slowly in furniture material. We don’t notice the shading furniture acquires overtime because it happens slowly. Steam cleaning can assist you with your coffee shop cleaning needs.

Steam cleaning uses pressurized hot water extraction to clean multiple furniture items. The cleaning process starts with spraying pressurized hot water and cleaning solution onto furniture items. This lifts and removes dirt trapped at the base of the material.

In the second stage the cleaning water is removed using a powerful vacuum hose. This allows the material to dry fast and efficiently by leaving minimal moisture. Items will be dry in a matter of hours.

Upholstered armchairs, couches and carpets benefit from steam cleaning. Chairs in particular noticeably acquire stains and shading in the material. Steam cleaning thorough removes the layer of dirt masking the original colours of the furniture. After steam cleaning fabric and other materials will be noticeably renewed with brighter colours.

Steam cleaning also noticeably improves the air quality of the rooms. With the removal of dust and allergy particles, the air will be fresher. This creates a comforting and warm environment for your customers.

Toronto carpet cleaning has flexible hours to suit your business needs. Professional steam cleaning can be done after regular store hours so it doesn’t interfere with regular business. With steam cleaning your business will be ready for business the next morning. Get Toronto steam cleaning today.

The moods of carpet colours

There are a nice variety of colours to pick when you buy carpet. However, many people aren’t aware of the scientific and psychological features that different carpet colours have. Carpet colour drastically affects peoples’ moods and the environment of the room.

For instance, it has been shown that when people enter rooms with red carpet, their blood pressure rises. Red carpets aren’t ideal in a room where people need to remain in a calm state. Red carpets aren’t ideal in bedrooms either since they can keep you from falling asleep.

Blue and pink carpet is a better choice to produce a calm environment. Blue carpet is more versatile and readily fits in with the furnishing in most environments. However, blue carpet can slow productivity and create a sad mood. This isn’t ideal in an office environment.

Grey carpets can create a neutral environment. Grey carpet doesn’t really elevate or depress moods. However, the use of grey carpet can make a room boring and uninspiring. It’s best used in a clinical settings or waiting rooms.

Purple carpets are shown to stimulate creativity. Many artists and musicians have used purple rugs to inspire creative ideas. Purple in itself represents quality and richness. It can’t be used to represent something average.

Your carpets need to be steam cleaned annually. Toronto carpet cleaning is available for all your carpet steam cleaning needs. Steam cleaning is fast and effective. Expert carpet steam cleaners will clean your carpets without causing unwanted damages such as dye bleeding. Get Toronto steam cleaning today and see the carpet cleaning difference.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Carpet Transportation – Ways to keep carpets into place

Nothing can bring discomfort to your dwelling like a shifting carpet. Carpets can shift from their proper place for a number of reasons. Most of it is because of using an improper carpet installation method. The rest can be due to furniture or liquid spills.

To prevent carpet shifting look up proper carpet installation techniques. There are videos that can take you step by step through the carpet installation. If you’re strapped for time, consider hiring a professional carpet installation business. Carpet installation experts will get the job done right.

Carpets need to be measured exactly to the room dimensions. Then they need to be secured into place to prevent shifting. Carpets can benefit from having shock absorbing under pad to keep mechanical stress from moving the carpet. This under pad can also keep the carpet in place even with furniture on top of it.

Certain carpets can warp and cause carpet material to bunch or shift out of place. This usually occurs when carpet cleaning is done by inexperienced personnel. This makes it improper to get carpet cleaning professionals.

You should get your carpet steam cleaned once a year. The steam cleaning method will clean carpet fast and efficiently. The carpet cleaning process sprays pressurized hot water and cleaning solution on to the carpet.

The dirty water is vacuumed out of the carpet to allow it to dry fast and efficiently. This last part prevents over soaking the carpet and thus prevents warping and shifting. Get Toronto carpet steam cleaning today.

Carpets fit for a Prince

Renovate your home like a famous musician by having your carpets customized. The artist formerly known as Prince customized his carpets by having them made in specific purple shades. Purple was evidently an inspiring colour to him and it prompted his to style his carpets with the same shade.

Psychologically, purple is associated with quality, richness and creativity. Historically this colour is associated with royalty. It is also used for logos for companies such as Cadbury, Hallmark and Yahoo. You can customize your carpets with shades of this colour as well.

Purple is also a practical colour choice for your carpet because it doesn’t readily show light or dark stains. This way carpets stains won’t be as readily noticeable and won’t draw negative attention. Carpets still need regular vacuuming and steam cleaning once a year.

Professional steam carpet cleaning is the only way to have your carpets expertly cleaned. The steam cleaning process uses pressurized hot water extraction to clean carpets. The first step of this innovative cleaning method is to spray pressurized hot water and cleaning solution on to the carpet. This lifts and removes dirt from the base of the material.

The next stage is removing the cleaning water from the carpet with a vacuum. This leaves minimal moisture in the carpet and allows it to dry fast and efficiently. Toronto steam cleaning is the professional cleaning method for carpets. This method uses powerful cleaning equipment to ensure that your carpets receive the best professional cleaning.

The right carpet for frequent stains

If you want a carpet installed in an area that will cause it to have frequent staining there are different carpet features to consider. The carpets that get frequent stains are often in a dining room setting. This can be at a house, restaurant or dining hall of a building. You need to get the carpet with the right features.

Carpets in areas where food is involved are often dark in colour. This helps disguise most stains or makes them less visible. Black isn’t the first carpet colour of choice. Light powdery substances can readily create visible stains on the carpet material when it is black in colour. The colour in itself is too formal.

Other good colour choices for dark carpet are blue, green or purple. Blue is similar to black carpet in terms of expression carpet stains so it isn’t the best choice. Green carpet also has a similar problem and it can be difficult to hide light coloured stains.

Purple carpets are the best carpets to have in an area with frequent staining.  Purple carpet keeps dirt and shades of staining from showing. The purple carpet is more flexible in colour shading as lighter and darker shades of purple will still keep all stains from being readily visible.

Food stains require steam cleaning to thoroughly clean your carpet. Toronto steam cleaning uses innovative steam cleaning technology to give your carpets a deep clean. Your carpets will receive the best steam cleaning treatment and disinfected with pressurized hot water.

Amateur Rug Dyeing- The art of accidentally staining your carpet

Accidents from beverages and other food can happen to your carpets. You want to avoid permanent stains from marring your carpet. There are steps to preventing stains from becoming a permanent feature of the carpet.

If possible it’s important to invest in quality carpet when you install wall to wall carpet. Quality carpet is essentially dirt and stain proof. The carpet pile is treated so it doesn’t absorb liquid spills. Quality carpet material is made so that it’s easily cleaned with steam cleaning methods.

When a stain occurs on your carpet it’s important to treat it right away. Use paper towel to dab at the edge of the carpet material. Avoid rubbing the stain into the carpet. For larger liquid spills use a baking soda to dry up the spill. You can vacuum up the excess powder once the stain has dried.

Steam cleaning is the only way to properly clean your carpet. Toronto carpet cleaning services are experts in stain care management. If you have just had your carpets cleaned and the stain occurs, steam cleaning is the only method that can clean the stain section.

Professional carpet steam cleaning uses innovative cleaning technology. Essentially the steam cleaning method uses pressurized hot water extraction to clean carpets. First, the carpet is sprayed with pressurized hot water and cleaning solution.

In the next step, a powerful vacuum hose is used to remove cleaning water from the carpet. This last step leaves minimal moisture in the carpet material and allows it to dry quickly. This prevents the carpet material from being damaged from oversaturation.

Presidential carpets overtime

The oval office in the white house is an iconic room that features an exquisite carpet. The carpet has had design changes overtime for incoming presidents. During the Bush administration, the carpet was redesigned by Laura Bush, with an iconic sunburst design. There have been interesting designs for the oval office carpet overtime.

Oval office carpet usually features the iconic United States symbol of a bald eagle holding an olive branch. This symbol is surrounded by different colour and design choices. The oval office carpet is made of rich silk material fitting which is quite fitting for the leader of the country.

Silk carpets needs special cleaning, due to the delicate quality of the material. The oval office in particular needs a carpet cleaning method that is able to accommodate the unique shape of the room. Steam cleaning is able to clean carpets fast and effectively.

The steam cleaning method uses pressurized hot water for carpet cleaning. The water temperature can be adjusted to fit the needs of delicate carpet materials such as silk. Steam cleaning essentially used two stages in its cleaning process.

In the first stage, pressurized hot water is sprayed onto the carpet along with cleaning solution. This lifts and removes dirt trapped at the base of carpet material. The next stage is vacuuming up the cleaning water. This step is essential for the carpet to dry fats and efficiently.

There are several Toronto carpet cleaning services. Steam cleaning has other benefits other than effective carpet cleaning. This service is eco-friendly and the use of hot water can help disinfect carpet material. Steam cleaning also noticeably freshen and improve air quality.

Carpet Cleaning Care after your next social event

Social events and other get together are fun events. If you’re hosting them, food is probably involved which can lead to food accidents happening to your carpets. There are measures you can take as soon as certain food stains happen. This will prevent stains from becoming permanent or spreading to different sections of your carpet.

Dry food stains are a bit easier to deal with. These can be vacuumed up quickly or you can deal with them later if they are small amounts of dry food. You want to vacuum as soon as possible after your social event to prevent the stains from settling deep within the carpet material.

Liquid spills from drinks can be dabbed with paper towel and allowed to dry. If you want the liquid spill to dry faster you can apply baking soda to it. This will also help deodorize and minimize people from stepping on the stain and spreading it to other sections of the carpet.

Oil stains and sticky liquids are a bit trickier to deal with. Oil takes much longer to dry on its own and it can soak into the carpet material. You can soak up most of the stain with paper towels but you need to invest in steam cleaning to properly clean your carpet.

Carpet cleaning is a fast and efficient cleaning method for your carpets. There are several Toronto carpets steam cleaning services available for all your carpet cleaning needs. Expert carpets cleaners can deal with all types of food stains.

Cleaning art materials out of your carpet

When using different art supplies at a workshop, studio or desk, your carpets often come in contact with different art supply debris. It’s important to know how to manage it so you won’t damage your carpet. There are simple methods you can use.

The easiest art messes to clean are loose and powdery. These can include chalk powder, pencil shavings and paper slices. Most small messes can be cleaned from your carpet with vacuuming. An extension hose piece can pick debris from hard to reach areas near furniture and walls. If there is a large amount of powder it can damage your vacuum. This should be swept up.

If clay falls on to the carpet when pottery is being made, you should allow time for it to dry. While wearing a face mask carefully break up the clay material to loosen it from the carpet pile. Vacuum up the loose clay material from the carpet.

Removing paint is a bit difficult. Water based paint comes out most carpet material. If this paint comes in contact with the carpet allow it to dry and avoid stepping on the stain and spreading it. It the paint stain is large or from oil based paint you can dab it with paper towel.

To thoroughly clean your carpet, it important that you have it professionally cleaned annually. Toronto  carpet cleaning is able to give carpets a thorough clean. The steam cleaning method uses pressurized hot water extraction give your carpet a deep professional clean.