Friday 27 January 2017

Upholstery steam cleaning

Your furniture will receive a lot of use over the course of the year. Leather is easy to clean but fabric based furniture is not. If you have children or pets there is a possibility of stains and dirt accumulation overtime. Your furniture may start to show discolouration in certain sections as well. Odours may develop over time from food and bacteria.

Steam cleaning is the best option for your furniture cleaning needs. There are many professional steam cleaning companies in Toronto and the GTA. They can accommodate busy schedules and answer questions you may have.

Cleaning your upholstery can needs to be done right. Steam cleaning will extract dirt from deep within the fabric of the furniture with pressurized hot water and cleaning solution. This removes any trapped dirt or dust mites. Dirty water is then extracted with a second vacuuming hose and leaves minimal water in your furniture. This allows the furniture to dry fast.

Once the steam cleaning process is finished, your furniture will look noticeably brighter. Previously dirt was masking the real colours of the furniture and made the furniture look dull or faded. Steam cleaning will remove that mask. In addition, your furniture will look and feel great.

Steam cleaning your upholstery should be done once a year. If stains do happen after the furniture has just been cleaned, steam cleaning can remove those stains. Steam cleaning can also be applied to your rugs, mattresses, drapes, tile floors and much more. Toronto steam cleaning options are available to accommodate your needs.

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