Sunday 29 January 2017

Steam Cleaning Applications

There are many steam cleaning applications than simple carpet cleaning. The steam cleaning process can be used to clean rugs, upholstery, drapery, tiles, mattresses and much more. Due to its innovative technology steam cleaning will give your house and office an incomparable cleaning job.

The steam cleaning process is relatively straight forward. Steam cleaning uses powerful truck mounted cleaning equipment to produced pressurized hot water extraction while cleaning. The cleaning process isn’t possible with normal store bought steam cleaning equipment and not nearly as powerful.

The first step in the steam cleaning process is using a hose to spray pressurized hot water and cleaning solution onto the carpet or other material. This helps lift and remove dust and dirt that is trapped at the base of material.

In the next step, dirty cleaning water is extracted from the material with a powerful vacuum hose. This ensures that minimal moisture is left in the material and that it will dry quickly. The item that has been steam cleaned is ready for use after a few hours.

Regular store equipment can’t give a deep cleaning to carpet or furniture. At most it can clean the surface layer but it can’t quite get to the dust and dirt trapped at the base. You may want to buy proper equipment but it’s not worth spending the money on a machine that is hardly used.

Toronto steam cleaning is able to assist you with all your steam cleaning needs. Steam cleaning restores and renews the material it cleans. The steam cleaning process also protects the material so you can enjoy it for years to come.

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