Sunday 15 October 2017

Does Your Furnace Need Duct Cleaning?

We often neglect duct cleaning for our furnace and ventilation system. The only time it comes to our attention is when we have to turn on the furnace in the fall for cold weather. The other subtle signs is dust at the vents and irritation from dust.

It's also important to consider when was the last time you had duct cleaning done. It's also a good idea if you are moving into a new home that has had previous residents. Duct cleaning becomes important especially when you have limited space in a room. For example if you have limited space for your bed you may have to sleep near a vent and you will be breathing in dust.

The dust and other dirt that has accumulated in the vents will be blowing onto furniture, carpets and it will affect your breathing. The dust can cause asthma and can cause symptoms to worsen overtime. The ventilation system can also contain hazardous mould. This makes it important to remember to get duct cleaning.

It's recommended that you clean ventilation ducts every three to five years. It's also a good idea to check for signs of dust or mould. Remove the vent and check for dark patches which may indicate the presence of mould.

For duct cleaning search out a reputable Toronto cleaning company. Professional duct cleaning will use top grade equipment to clean your ventilation system. Breathe easy my getting the quality of professional duct cleaning.

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