Monday 20 February 2017

Makeup stain removal for carpets

Makeup has many creative applications for esthetic purposes, theatrical purposes and for special effects in movies. Makeup accidents happen and you should be aware of the best ways to remove makeup from your carpets and furniture. Make up stains should be managed as soon as they occur.

Makeup removal depends on the makeup medium. Powder and other dry makeup are easier to remove from carpets and furniture. The powder can be removed by vacuuming it up from the carpet and furniture. It’s important to note that powder makeup can build up in your carpets overtime and requires steam cleaning to get it properly cleaned.

Liquid makeup spills are a bit harder to clean. Water based makeup can be dabbed with a paper towel and allowed to dry. For larger spills you can use baking powder to speed up the drying process. When the carpet is dry the powder can be removed with a vacuum.

Oil based makeup stains are harder to remove from carpets and furniture. The stain can be dabbed with a paper towel and allowed to dry. Oil based stains take longer to dry and you should placed a cup or container over the carpet stain to avoid stepping on it.

Your rugs require professional carpet cleaning to thoroughly remove makeup stains. There are Toronto steam cleaners to assist you with all your furniture and carpet cleaning needs. The steam cleaning process gives a deep cleaning to your rugs and furniture and can also disinfect the items.

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