Monday 20 February 2017

Makeup stain removal for carpets

Makeup has many creative applications for esthetic purposes, theatrical purposes and for special effects in movies. Makeup accidents happen and you should be aware of the best ways to remove makeup from your carpets and furniture. Make up stains should be managed as soon as they occur.

Makeup removal depends on the makeup medium. Powder and other dry makeup are easier to remove from carpets and furniture. The powder can be removed by vacuuming it up from the carpet and furniture. It’s important to note that powder makeup can build up in your carpets overtime and requires steam cleaning to get it properly cleaned.

Liquid makeup spills are a bit harder to clean. Water based makeup can be dabbed with a paper towel and allowed to dry. For larger spills you can use baking powder to speed up the drying process. When the carpet is dry the powder can be removed with a vacuum.

Oil based makeup stains are harder to remove from carpets and furniture. The stain can be dabbed with a paper towel and allowed to dry. Oil based stains take longer to dry and you should placed a cup or container over the carpet stain to avoid stepping on it.

Your rugs require professional carpet cleaning to thoroughly remove makeup stains. There are Toronto steam cleaners to assist you with all your furniture and carpet cleaning needs. The steam cleaning process gives a deep cleaning to your rugs and furniture and can also disinfect the items.

Gaming on carpets and more

Gamers know the comforts of having a proper gaming environment. This is why most gaming set ups are in living rooms and bedrooms. Having the right carpet for your gaming area can enhance comfort and improve the overall gaming experience. There are a few key details about carpets you should know for your game set up.

Many people still game by sitting or lying down on carpet. This can be for extended periods of time and you need the right carpet for comfort. Plush carpets are ideal because they are soft and won’t irritate the skin after long periods of time. Wool and plush synthetic carpet are recommended for their soft material.

The other thing to consider is carpet food stains. We often eat while gaming and food accident do happen to your carpet. Food even produces crumbs that accumulate at the base of your carpet. This is why it is important to have synthetic carpets. These carpets make it easier to remove food stains.

Annual steam carpet cleaning is also great for maintaining the carpet. There are several Toronto steam cleaning services available for carpets. Steam cleaning will give your carpets a deep thorough clean by lifting and removing dirt trapped at the base of the carpet. The steam cleaning method will remove allergens as well as disinfect the carpet.

Steam cleaning also removes pests such as dust mites that have settled into your carpet. The innovative steam cleaning technology can also be applied to gaming chairs and upholstered furniture. Get steam cleaning today and see the difference.

Thursday 16 February 2017

The best carpets for book lovers

When it comes to reading great books you will enjoy reading in comfort. Those of us who have been reading since we were young enjoy favourite reading spots. These often include carpet areas.

The best carpets to lie down on or sit comfortably need to be soft on the skin. Coarse or thin material isn’t a great option. Rough carpet material irritates skin after hours of pressing into the carpet. Thin material can hurt muscles and cause circulation issues.

Soft carpet can be made of silk, synthetic or wool material. Shaggy carpet is popular because it is visually appealing and because of its plush material. These carpets make reading enjoyable and won’t disturb your level of comfort.

To further enjoy reading while sitting on carpet, it’s important to have your carpet cleaned with steam cleaning. There are several Toronto carpet cleaning services available to assist you with all your carpet cleaning needs.

If you have a favourite arms hair for reading this item can also be cleaned with steam cleaning. The steam cleaning process uses pressurized hot water to lift and remove dirt out of carpet and furniture.

The cleaning starts with spraying pressurized boiling hot water and cleaning solution on to the carpet. This helps lift out dirt trapped at the base of the carpet. A second hose is vacuums and removes the dirty water from the carpet. This leaves minimal moisture in the carpet and it dries quickly. The carpet pile is the reset in its proper direction.

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Carpet care for pets

Having a new pet means a bit of extra maintenance for your carpets.  Young pets and older pet often pee on the carpets. It’s important to know how to manage this as well as dealing effectively with pet dander and fur.

You should place a rubber under-pad underneath your carpets. This protects the floor underneath the carpet. Wood floor will absorb pet pee and other liquids. Marble floors will get discoloured from pet urine because of its acidity. Ceramic and porcelain tiles won’t get damaged from pet pee.

It’s also important to have rubber backed entrance mats because puppies often have accidents there. Near balcony entrances is also a good place for mats because pets often do their business there.

It’s important that you choose your carpet carefully. Light coloured carpet isn’t ideal because stains are more noticeable on it. Wool carpets can get stained easily from pet pee as well. Carpets with longer pile and shag carpets aren’t ideal since fur and pet dander can get tangled and trapped into the carpet material.

Carpets with short pile make it easier to remove fur and dander by vacuuming. Carpets with synthetic material are suggested because their material doesn’t readily absorb liquids and it is easier to clean. Toronto steam cleaning can help you with your carpet cleaning.

Your carpets should be professionally cleaned once a year with steam cleaning. The steam cleaning method used pressurized hot water extraction to thoroughly clean your carpets. The process helps disinfect the carpet as well. Get Toronto carpet steam cleaning today.

Essential vacuum cleaner components

When you get a new vacuum cleaner it will come with different accessories and components. There are a few essential components and accessories that will help you to properly clean your carpets. Proper vacuuming is important because it is the first step in maintaining the quality of your carpets.

If you have a brushroll setting for your vacuum, this component will help remove fur, hair and other fibers that have become tangled in your carpet pile. This setting also helps lift and remove dirt that is deep at the base of the carpet. This prevents allergens and dust mites from settling into the carpet. The brushroll setting shouldn’t be used for delicate or brittle carpet.

Wand extension pieces for the vacuum hose are handy in a few instances. The wand extension piece can help reach difficult areas. It’s helpful to reach under heavy furniture and remove dirt from carpet areas that are hard to reach. They also help vacuum corner areas and section near walls and furniture.

In addition to vacuuming your carpets weekly, carpets require annual steam cleaning. Carpet steam cleaning removes dirt that even the best vacuums cannot. Essentially steam cleaning uses pressurized hot water extraction to clean carpets. This process lifts and removes dirt trapped at the base of the carpet material. The process also helps disinfect carpets.

There are several Toronto carpet steam cleaning services available to assist you with your carpet cleaning needs. Steam cleaning can also be applied to furniture, tiles, commercial kitchens and drapery. Try carpet steam cleaning today and see the quality.  

Common carpet odors and how to manage them

With regular use your carpets can acquire unpleasant smells. These can cause allergy irritations and discomfort. It’s important to recognize the source of certain smells and the best way to prevent them. In some cases we may not even recognize that our carpets have acquired and odor.

There are a few simple way to check for carpet odors. The first method is simply crouching down near your carpet and smelling the environment. There’s no need to get much closer than this to your carpet. For another method you can take a paper towel and rub it against a section of the carpet. Examine the paper towel to determine if your carpet is dirty.

Carpets smells are commonly caused by bacteria that have settled in the carpet pile. This frequently occurs when food is involved or in areas where people change their shoes. You can prevent this by not eating over your carpet.

Another carpet odor can be caused by dirt and mould. When mould grows on carpet material it is usually due to inadequate air circulation and too much moisture. This issue can be dealt with by investing in an air filter that can control humidity.

Overtime any carpet will accumulate dirt and it can create a musty odor. When this occurs it’s a sign that it’s time for annual carpet cleaning. Carpet steam cleaning will give your carpets a deep cleaning with its pressurized hot water extraction. The steam cleaning method removes all dirt that has accumulated at the base of the carpet.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Furniture and Your carpet maintenance tips

Wall to wall carpets will often have furniture placed on top of them. Without proper preparation or improper carpet material selection, your carpet fibers can be damaged. Furniture can exert different types of mechanical pressure on your carpets.

Furniture weight is always exerted on the carpet. This can flatten or break carpet pile. The simplest way to offset this is to place shock absorbing under-pad beneath the carpet upon installation. This will help evenly distribute the furniture weight and prevents friction.

When it’s possible periodically rotate your furniture and fluff up the carpet pile. This allows the pile to breathe and prevents lasting damage from happening to your carpet. Lightly spray the affected sections to rehydrate the carpet pile.

Carpet cleaning can protect your carpet from mechanical damage. The steam cleaning process thoroughly removes dirt from the base of the carpet. In the process carpet pile is set back to its original direction. This allows the material to breathe as well.

Annual steam cleaning renews the carpet material with pH balanced cleaning solution. Steam cleaning can restore brittle or dry carpet pile as well. There are many Toronto steam cleaning companies that can assist you with all your carpet cleaning needs.

Eco-friendly steam cleaning is available and it’s beneficial for your health and for the environment. Steam cleaning uses pressurized hot water extraction for your carpets followed by water removal. The process doesn’t exert harmful pressure to your carpet material. Water pressure can be adjusted for delicate or older carpets.  

Humidity and your carpets don't go well together

It’s important to have control over the air quality of your home when you have carpets. The air in your home is subjected to seasonal weather changes. During rainy seasons during the spring and summer months air tends to be more humid with moisture. In the dry winter months there is less moisture and the air is more arid.

The difference in humidity greatly affects your carpet. With too much humidity and cool temperature ideal conditions for mould and fungus occurs. Carpets in basements are the risk for this. Mould is bad for your health and negatively affects the quality of your carpet.

Dry conditions can cause carpet fiber to become brittle. These conditions can make your carpet staticky and less enjoyable. There has to be a balance for moisture in the air. Investing in a humidifier can help maintain ideal conditions for your carpet.

It is important to have your carpet cleaned with steam cleaning once a year. Toronto carpet cleaning can help you with all your carpet steam cleaning needs. Proper cleaning can balance the moisture in your carpet and protect it.

Removing dust and dirt with a weekly vacuuming schedule also helps balance humidity. Toronto steam cleaners  and assist you if your carpet has a mould situation. After steam cleaning they can assess the air quality to see if there is enough air circulation  and if you require a humidifier.

Getting an air filter for your carpet is also a great investment. It can prevent mould spores from settling into the carpet. It  an also prevent further mould spread. Clean your carpet with steam cleaning to disinfectant your carpets today.

The best types of carpets for makeup table area.

Not all carpets are ideal when it comes to handling makeup related messes. Makeup comes in many forms such as powder, solid form and liquid. Makeup liquids are either oil or water based as well which can make stains difficult to treat. It all starts with selecting the right carpet.

Synthetic carpets come in diverse material, textures and designs. This material doesn’t readily absorb liquid into its fibers and it’s resistant to stains. Synthetic carpets can be surfaced cleaned with a damp paper towel to clean small messes.

Carpets cleaning should be done with a professional cleaning service once a year. In the meantime your carpet can handle small makeup messes that can happen. Powder makeup can be cleaned from your carpet by vacuuming it up. Liquid spills can be gently dabbed with a paper towel.

Professional carpet steam cleaning should be done annually. There are many Toronto carpet steam cleaners that are experienced with makeup stain removal. Most stains can be removed by experienced carpet cleaners. Your carpet will receive a deep cleaning to remove all the dirt trapped at the base of the carpet material.

Powder makeup creates carpet discoloration overtime. Makeup powder can slowly build up in the carpet without you noticing. It essentially creates a shading mask that covers the original colours of the carpet.

Professional carpet steam cleaning will remove the mask and renew the carpet colours. Your carpet will look noticeably brighter with professional carpet cleaning. Steam cleaning can also be applied to furniture upholstery.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

The Benefits of Steam Cleaning

When you get steam cleaning for your office or home you are getting several benefits with this professional cleaning. Deep cleaning is achieved with advanced technology that isn’t possible with regular machine bought cleaning equipment.

Steam cleaning uses pressurized hot water extract for the items it cleans. Professional steam cleaning equipment achieves and maintains boiling water temperature while during cleaning. Optimal water pressure is achieved to lift out dirt stuck at the carpet base and other items. Regular steam cleaning machines can’t achieve this deep cleaning.

Aside from deep cleaning, steam cleaning also disinfects materials. The boiling hot water together with quality cleaning detergent allows steam cleaning to disinfect material from pests. Common pests include dust mites, mould, fungus and even some viruses. Steam cleaning is also effective cleaning method against allergy particles.

Steam cleaning also has an effective drying component applied after the regular steam cleaning. A powerful vacuuming hose is used to suck up dirty water from items. With rugs and carpets, the pile material is reset in its original pile direction to help it dry efficiently. Vacuuming up the excess water allows the items to dry fast and efficiently.

Toronto steam cleaning is often offer eco-friendly carpet cleaning services. This is beneficial for your health as well as for plants, pets and children. Toronto steam cleanings services also offer flexible job scheduling.

This type of job scheduling is great for office steam cleaning. The steam cleaning job can be done after regular work hours and be done fast and efficiently. The carpet will dry and the office is ready for use the next working day.  

Office steam cleaning

Steam cleaning is an advanced cleaning technology that provides a deep cleaning to an office location. Most people are aware of this cleaning method being applied to carpets. There are several ways steam cleaning can be applied around the office.

Steam cleaning can be applied to upholstery on furniture. This includes office chairs and waiting room couches and chairs. The waiting room of an office is an important location. Clients, customers and visitors will get the first impression of the office and having it professionally cleaned gives a good impression.

Cleaning office chairs is a great way to boost the work ethics of your employees. If you look after the office environment it will affect your staff members accordingly. Steam cleaning can get out difficult food stains that aren’t removable with regular cleaning methods.

Steam cleaning works by using pressurized hot water extraction to clean items. Professional steam cleaning equipment is able to heat water to its boiling point at a hundred degrees. It also achieves optimal water pressure for cleaning.

There are Toronto carpet cleaning services available for office cleaning. Professional steam cleaning offers flexible service hours. This way you can schedule a steam cleaning job after normal work hours. The job can be done within a few hours and items can be dried and ready for use the next work day.

Regular store bought equipment for steam cleaning doesn’t do the best cleaning. Professional equipment is powerful and achieves water temperature and pressure that regular equipment can’t get. This makes Toronto steam cleaning all the more incomparable to cleaning done with regular equipment.

Carpet maintenance

You’ve just installed your carpet and want to enjoy it for the coming years. There are practical measures you can take for regular carpet cleaning. Proper carpet care will protect carpet material and can be beneficial for your health.

vacuumed two to three times a week. Dust, dirt and other particles settle into your carpet overtime and can get trapped at the base of your carpet. Use a brush roll setting to remove hair and fur that has gotten tangled into the carpet fibers.

A vacuum hose extension piece can help get to hard to reach areas such as under furniture. It is important to periodically vacuum these areas because dust and dirt settle there. These dirty sections can attract pests such as dust mites and can also cause allergy symptoms.

It is important to steam clean your carpet once a year. Steam cleaning uses pressurized hot water extraction to clean your carpet. The carpet cleaning method will lift and remove dirt that is trapped at the base of your carpet. This thorough carpet cleaning isn’t possible with rental equipment.

There are several Toronto carpet cleaning companies available for all your carpet cleaning needs. Steam cleaning your carpet will do more than just clean your carpet. It will noticeably freshen the air in the room. Steam cleaning will also preserve and protect carpet material. The cleaning method will renew carpet colours by removing a layer of dirt masking the carpet fibers.

Sunday 5 February 2017

Natural Carpet Cleaning solutions

When it comes to carpet cleaning the use of harsh cleaning chemicals isn’t always ideal. Not only are there chemicals potentially hazardous to the environment they aren’t considered good for your health. There are eco-friendly maintenance methods you can use to clean your carpet throughout the year.

Different types of stains have different types of cleaning methods. Most liquid spills can be dabbed with paper towel and allowed to air dry. With a large liquid spill you can use baking powder to help dry up the mess. When the stain is dry the baking powder can be vacuumed up from the carpet.

The carpet can be deodorized using vinegar. Fill up a spray bottle with a third of vinegar and the rest water. You can add a few drops of liquid dish soap as well. Spray the carpet with a small amount of the solution and allow it to dry. This will help deodorized your carpet.

Your carpets should be professionally steam cleaned once a year. Steam cleaning is eco-friendly and used natural methods for carpet cleaning. Steam cleaning uses pressurized hot water extraction to give carpets a deep cleaning.

Essentially carpet cleaning uses two hose units. The first hose sprays pressurized hot water and eco-friendly detergent onto the carpet. The hot water lifts and removes dirt trapped at the base of the carpet. The second hose removes dirty water and prevents the carpet from becoming over saturated with water. Get Toronto steam carpet cleaning services today.  

Upholstery cleaning

Many of our modern day furniture items in the home and office have an upholstery component to them. This component is part of beds, sofas, chairs, couches and benches. Upholstery can be difficult to clean with traditional cleaning methods. It requires steam cleaning in order to get a proper thorough clean.

Steam cleaning uses pressurized hot water extraction to clean furniture. First pressurized hot water is sprayed onto the upholstery with cleaning detergent. This lifts and removes dirt that is trapped at the base of the material. The hot water also disinfects the furniture and kills off bacteria, moulds and fungus.

The second part of steam cleaning is water extraction. Water is removed from the furniture using a powerful vacuum hose. This picks up most of the water and prevents bleeding and fading of the material. It also leaves minimal moisture in the furniture and allows it to dry fast and efficiently.

Steam cleaned items dry within a few hours and you can use them once more. This cleaning method also renews the colours of the material. The colours will be brilliant due without a layer of dirt masking them.

There are several Toronto steam cleaning services that do upholstery cleaning. Eco-friendly cleaning options are available so you can help the environment as well as look after your health.  It also makes sense not to use harsh chemicals since you are using the furniture for hours each day. Get Toronto Steam cleaning today for all your furniture cleaning needs.

Steam Cleaning and your puppy

Getting a new puppy has many great benefits. Overall it’s a nice addition to your home but it means additional cleaning. Pets shed a lot of fur and dander that can get trapped into carpet and upholstered furniture. Pets can also stain your carpets unintentionally.

To minimize the level of fur and dander it is important to vacuum your carpets two to three times a week. Vacuuming also prevents allergy symptoms and removes dust mites. You should vacuum your furniture with a vacuum hose as well.

Cleaning your carpet with steam cleaning is an essential part of pet care. If possible you should clean your carpet with steam cleaning before the arrival of your pet. Your pet smell sensitivity and this will remove irritants beforehand.

Carpet cleaning should be done once a year. This helps maintain the quality of your carpet as well as extract the dust, dirt and fur that your pet has shed overtime. The steam cleaning method can be applied to your upholstered furniture and mattresses as well.

Steam cleaning efficiently removes dirt from your carpets using pressurized hot water extraction. Essentially this cleaning method uses a hose to spray pressurized water at a hundred degrees onto the carpet pile. With cleaning solution, the pressurized water lifts out dirt trapped at the base of the carpet.

A second hose vacuums up the dirty water. This lives minimal moisture in the carpet and allows it to dry fast and efficiently. You can get back to using your carpet within a few hours. Steam cleaning will noticeably freshen the air in the room. It also renews the colours of the carpet.

Thursday 2 February 2017

Carpet Vacuuming Care

Vacuuming your carpet is a big component of regular carpet care. Vacuuming should be done two to three times a week to remove foreign particles. It also prevents allergy irritations from allergy particles and dust mites. Vacuuming will also remove potential spores from fungus and mould.

Food particles and liquid spills can happen on your carpets. These particles can be removed with vacuuming and prevents pest attraction from silver fish and moths. If they don’t sense a possible food source they won’t be attracted to your carpets.

Vacuuming removes dirt and prevents carpet pile from sticking together. Dirty carpet fiber can trap dirt particles and form small fabric balls. This is commonly seen in fibrous carpets such as shag carpet. The carpet material can start to smell with trapped particles in its material.

Aside from regular vacuuming, you should soak up liquid spills with paper towels. Your carpets also require annual steam cleaning. Most carpet can’t be readily removed and steam cleaning is the only way to get it professionally cleaned.

Toronto carpet cleaning has several benefits. Carpet steam cleaning uses pressurized hot water extraction for cleaning. The process lifts and removes dirt and dust from deep within the carpet. Steam cleaning removes dirt that can’t be removed with vacuuming.

Steam cleaning also removes stains from carpet and unpleasant smells. Toronto steam cleaning is fast and efficient and can be done within several hours. This includes the drying process. Steam cleaning ensures that minimal moisture is left in your carpet so it dries fast.

Steam cleaning for your home

Most people are aware that steam cleaning can be applied to carpets. However there are several other applications for it in your home. Steam cleaning is especially useful for items that are difficult to clean with regular methods.

Upholstery can be effectively cleaned with steam cleaning. Regular methods can only clean the surface area of upholstered chairs, sofas, couches and bed headboards. Steam cleaning gets out dust and dirt that is trapped at the base of the upholstery.

Mattresses can also get a deep cleaning with steam cleaning. We spend hours resting on hour mattresses everyday of the year. Since we spend a lot of time there it is important to maintain the quality of the mattresses. Steam cleaning not only cleans but also disinfects the material.

Drapery can also be cleaned with steam cleaning. This household items requires a lot of handling and attention to details. Steam cleaning can clean it effectively and fast. It will save you a lot of time and energy.

There are Toronto carpet cleaning services available for all your household cleaning needs. Eco-friendly steam cleaning is available and is beneficial for your health as well as the environment. Eco-friendly cleaning is also recommended if you have pets, plants or children.

Toronto steam cleaning often  offers flexible work hours. This helps accommodate your busy schedule and if you have irregular work hours. Office steam cleaning can occur after regular business hours. Steam cleaning will have your carpets and other items cleaned and dry before the next working day.

Choosing Office Carpet

When it comes to your office environment getting carpet installed is a great idea. Carpet will dampen excess noises and sounds. Installing the right office carpet can improve the quality and esthetics of the office location. This will improve employee work ethics and make an overall great impression on clients and visitors.

Office carpets will definitely get a lot of foot traffic and they are often exposed to weather elements. Acrylic and nylon rugs are suggested to guard against these stress factors. Nylon is more resilient to mechanical pressure. Acrylic carpets also have this feature and both types of carpet are resistant to stains and are easy to clean.

Consider choosing a correct under pad for your carpet before installing. A shock absorbent water resistant under pad is suggested. Aside from mechanical pressure it will guard against stains caused by food spills and messes caused by bad weather.

After installing your carpet it is a good idea to have the carpet steam cleaned. The carpet has come across different contaminants over time. Toronto steam cleaning can assist you with giving the office carpet a deep thorough clean. Steam cleaning will improve air quality and prevent potential allergy irritations.

Toronto carpet cleaning uses a pressurized hot water cleaning method for your carpet. First pressurized hot water and cleaning solution is sprayed onto the carpet. This lifts out dirt that is trapped at the base of the carpet. A second hose vacuums up the dirty water and leaves minimal moisture in the carpet. The carpet dries within a few hours.  

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Entrance carpet care

The carpets you place at the entrance of your home or office building have great importance. They give your guests the first impression of the environment they’re entering which greatly impacts them. They also guard against different weather elements.

Weather creates different messes that entrance carpets need to withstand. Rain brings water and mud into buildings visitors will wipe their feet on the entrance carpet. Winter weather also brings snow and melted ice in the building. In addition, it also brings sand, mud, salt and antifreeze.

The entrance carpets needs to withstand all these weather elements. It’s suggested that the entrance carpet is made of water absorbent synthetic material. With heavy foot traffic during bad weather entrance carpets can quickly become oversaturated. The mess will carry into the rest of the building.

Salt and antifreeze will ruin most entrance carpets if they’re made from material other than synthetic fiber. In addition to this when the water evaporates salt if left sticking to the carpet and can be difficult to remove. The entrance area can quickly become unsightly.

Steam cleaning can assist you for cleaning entrance carpets. Toronto carpet cleaning can schedule a cleaning time based on your business hours. They can clean your carpet after regular business hours and it will be ready to use the next morning.

Steam cleaning uses pressurized hot water extraction to clean carpets. They will be able to get rid of salt staining as well as give your entrance carpets a deep thorough clean. Other carpet cleaning methods don’t do the same professional steam cleaning service.  

Signs that your carpet needs cleaning

Carpets require steam cleaning once a year to properly maintain them. If you can’t remember the last time you’ve had your carpets cleaned, this could be your first indication. There are other signs you should look for as well.

View your carpet in the best lighting possible. Scan the carpet and look for obvious stains that stand out. This could be from food spills or even discolouration from mould. There are stains that are less obvious and can be easily overlooked.

Scan your carpet carefully and look for discolouration. There could be splotches from dirty water or shading. Shading can be from a layer of dirt that has gathered in one section overtime. These shaded sections occur often in areas that receive heavy foot traffic.

Take a white paper towel and brush a section of the carpet. If the paper towel turns up dirty or feels greasy this indicates that the carpet is dirty. Pat a section of the carpet and try to see if any dust rises up. Lastly, get near the carpet and see if there are any odors. These can be from dust, moulds, and even bacteria.

There are Toronto steam cleaning services available for all your carpet cleaning needs. Steam cleaning uses pressurized hot water extraction to clean and disinfect your carpet. The process lifts and removes dirt that is trapped at the base of your carpet.

The last part of the process extracts the dirty cleaning water with a vacuum hose. This allows your carpet to be cleaned and dried